Thursday, February 15, 2007

I've made a beginning of the year resolution...

Today was the typical, work and home. Today at work while trying a new method for applying extensions (which you must know is VERY LONG and annoying process) I was listening to the girls around me just moan and groan and complain about life. Everything from, "my butt is too big, I wish God blessed me with better hair, and why does this take so long?" to "gosh i wish i looked like her". IT WAS SO TACKY AND ANNOYING, and as I listened I life is so much worse than that. And then I that is selfish of me to think...I have SOOOOO much. I have a home to live in, I have a great family, i have a PERFECT job, I have a man who loves me who is alive and healthy, I have AMAZING friends, I have health, and so much more. There are so many people in this world, some that I can think of and some that I dont even know, that have so little or even nothing. So i decided, starting today, that i will NO LONGER complain about anything whether big or small. I hope that it will inspire those around me to realize how much they also have, and that they are all so fortunate...but mostly I am doing this for myself. I want to make it VERY evident that I am MORE THAN GREATFUL for the things that I have. I am so thankful that God has given me so much more than i could have ever imagined. This is my new more complaining, and try to appreciate everything. :)

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